Training in tailoring for a period of 6 months, for underprivileged women at Karma Kutir premises at Gariahat Road.
Training in beautician course for a period of 6 months, for underprivileged women.
Training in hand embroidery, especially in Kantha for a period of 6 months in Amtala, Bishnupur, Mahmudpur, Kanyanagar, Gariahat and Bosepukur.
Training in Batik and Bandhini for a period of 6 months, for underprivileged women at Karma Kutir premises at Gariahat Road.
Training in Basic Computer Skills and Spoken English opened in Bosepukur centre.
Training in ‘Taekwondo’is imparted in all the centres of Karma Kutir.
• The taekwondo trainees of Karma Kutir participated in Open State Taekwondo championship, Kolkata District Taekwondo Championship, State Game Championship and Bengal Taekwondo Championship. The trainees who represented Karma Kutir have individually acquired gold, silver and bronze medals.